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  • PET composite cord strap
PET composite cord strap

PET composite cord strap

  • Category: Cord Strap
  • Views:3189
  • PET composite material
  • Soft
  • High strength
  • Rust resistance
  • Product description:Soft PET composite cord strap is high quality strapping for heavy packages.We also supply wire buckles for matching use with cord strap.Welcome your inquiry.
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Composite cord strap is a kind of plastic strap made by polyester(PET) fiber and polymer coating.

composite cord strap

Benefits of Composite cord strap:

High tensile: Cord strap can reach tensile 50 kgs / mm2

Light in Weight: Easy to carry

safety: Compare to steel strap, or even polyester strapping, cord strap is soft and high elongation,doesn’t have sharp edges and eliminate backlash.


High temperature resistance

Rust/water resistance

wire buckle for cord strap

Composite cord strap is using wire buckle to connect. You just need manual tool tensioner. It is easy and convenient to pack the goods. We also supply the wire buckles which match the cord strap specs.

It is good to purchase the composite cord strap and wire buckles together, and even the tensioner. We pack and load well in container.

loading for cord strap and the wire buckles

Welcome to contact us if you are interested.


Name: Cecily Chen

Mobile:+886 936111832

Tel:+886 7 6812225


Add:No.353, Tai-An Rd., Meinong Dist., Kaohsiung city 843, Taiwan

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